Salmon fishing & fly tying on the Miramichi...

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Getting a few flies in order for the upcoming ASF Moncton dinner...

I heard through the grapevine that my bugs kicked some ass at the NSPA auction, so I'm getting another box ready for the Moncton ASF dinner in March. Nothing like some backwards hackle to catch some fishermen! =P

If you want to attend the ASF dinner with my group get in touch with me! !

Ice Fishing on the Kennebecasis in February!

I was able to convince my beautiful daughter, Melissa, to go ice fishing yesterday.. I figured it'd be a quick couple hours and she'd want to leave but was I ever mistaken! She had a blast and I was taking the shack down around her as she continued to fish! I told her next time we'd bring a lunch and make a day out of it - she seemed honestly excited! Thanks for the great day on the ice, babe!
Love, Dad

Oh yeah, we even caught a few fish! =)